Super Junior - Mr Simple [MV]

Yello! Super Junior released their new single third of August. It's good, isn't it? :D Honestly, I haven't been following Super Junior that much. I only coincidentally encountered this song on YouTube. But I'm very satisfied, it's their style again but it has a different feeling. Excited for the rest which is probably about to come!

2NE1 TV - Episode 5

2NE1 TV - Episode 4

2NE1 TV - Episode 3

2NE1 TV - Episode 2

2NE1 TV - Episode 1

2NE1 - Ugly [MV]

Nyaaaaaaa! Together with the mini-album, their latest single was released 27th of July. My god, I love the lyrics, but they're rather sad... :( But that proves 2NE1 is only human too, it enables fans to relate to them better. I think it's a good step towards connecting with fans even better.
Anyhow, the song seems a bit less electric than the usual ones. There are more natural instruments, I like that fact a lot. For some reason I love the part that Dara is singing the best. Not sure why. Just grabs my attention. ^^ Ammagad 2NE1, so proud being a fan of yours! :D You satisfied your fans again!

2NE1 - Hate You [MV]

Yeeeeeeeah! Just what we we've been waiting for; 2NE1's Hate You! It's been released the night of 20th of July.

The base immediately captured a place in my heart. This song is very different from their previous songs in my opinion. I like the melody a lot, it's just perfect, it fits well, doesn't feel awkward at all. ^^ Every member get their own part to sing, that's great! I'm surprised there's no rap in this song, but I am not sure if that would have been fit. I really love this song, just great. ^^ 2NE1, jia you!
Not to forget, awsum video! They obviously tried something new and it worked! :D I love how Bommie is eating corn at 0:55, haha. How typical! ^^

Back Again!


I'm very sorry for not posting anything while many things have happened lately. I've been on holidays for 3 weeks without any access to the interwebs. Therefore I have not even been able to follow 2NE1 releases properly. I'll post them though, just because Hate You and Ugly are two very important releases!

Hope you've been having fun during these summer holidays too! :3 Keep tuned!

Love, Lynn